The Coronavirus or Covid-19, Is a Growing Health Concern

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As a hands-on business, we at Pine Ridge Dental have taken extra caution and preventative measures to protect the well-being of our clients and ourselves by complying with CDC Standards.

Here is how we do our due diligence: 

  • Thorough hand washing after EVERY patient.
  • All chairs, countertops, faucets, light handles in addition to other frequently touched objects and surfaces are disinfected before and after every patient – EVERY TIME.
  • Wearing all protective barriers (PPE) – masks, gloves, eye protection and scrubs.

How you can be proactive and protect yourself while you are at Pine Ridge Dental:

  • Wash your hands before and after your appointment.
  • Utilize available alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your cough or sneezer with a tissue.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • If you are experiencing a fever or flu-like symptoms, STAY HOME. Our cancellation policy allows you to cancel and reschedule your appointment in case you are sick – without penalty.
  • If you come in for your appointment and have a fever or have had a fever within the last 24 hours, we will send you home.
    • This rule was established to protect both you, other patients and ourselves.

When in doubt, give us a call. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and keep you updated as your health and well-being is our utmost concern!


Thank you,

Pine Ridge Dental